Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 3 | Anna's story

Tonight, I sat on a balcony of sorts and stared out at Guatemala City, or at least as much as I could in the darkness and fog. I wasn't really looking, though. In my heart I was sitting before Christ's throne. And as I sat, I talked. Words came out dysfunctional and full of an emotional emptiness. After a while I paused and heard God say, "Just sit in silence, Anna."

So, I did, for a moment. Then after a minute or so I couldn't hold it in, "God, why am I here?" I cried.

I stopped there and thought of the prayer I had prayed my first night of the trip. I had asked God for one thing to permeate my mindset during the trip. It was day six, though, and I still hadn't heard any sort of answer. But as I sat tonight I felt God tell my heart, "I brought you here to show you something."

I waited for God to continue, but He didn't.

"To show me what?" was my first thought. But then I realized the implications of His answer. God had brought me all the way to Guatemala to show me something. In a way, it seemed so selfish; I was going on a mission trip for me. But at the same time I realized saw the beauty of God's reaching out to me. He wants me.

At the beginning of the trip Luke shared a verse with us. Acts 17:27, "So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us."

What a beautiful relationship God has for me with Him. He wants me to seek Him; to grow closer to Him. In the midst of "ministry" I can't miss the "one thing needful." I hope that this trip this song by Hillsong will be my prayer:

I will wait
Reach out my hands before You
My Keeper
I will come running into Your arms
It's you I long for with all my heart
I want to know You
You are all I want
I want to know You...more

Anna Lukachick

1 comment:

Sharon said...

God has an unique plan in each one of you and He will perfect it in your life at His time. Thanks for sharing!